Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Ooh ooh! If we're writing poems then I want to write one too!

This is one of those poems
That's for all the no ones.
This is a cat.
That lived inside a hat.
This cat wanted to catch a rat
That couldn't stop saying 'drat'
This is a not pasted
But it is space wasted.

...at least it rhymes.

I'm going to the library. Whee~

Monday, December 22, 2008

Ohh, Lan Chi wrote a poem! Let me try.

Hi. I'm writing a poem
I hope that this'll show 'em
That I can be literary too
and your mother's breast smells like poo.

Okay, that didn't work out so well. But it's my first ever!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hey everybody!

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want something for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas is...socks.

No really. I need some socks.


Friday, December 19, 2008

On Fire

Okay, really. Where DID everyone go? Vincey is the only other one making regular-ish posts. Hi Vincey. Go read my bloggie. It's cooler than a doggie ahahahahHAHAHAHA yeah.

To the others: Get your ASSES on blogger before I turn Vagabond Cove into a condom advertisement. KAY?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hide & Seek

Wow, where'd everyone go?

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Awright, so after...um...wow, I don't even know when I started hanging out on this website. o.o;;; I think three or four hours? I was reading this novel online, but then I got sidetracked, then I ended up here. How? I have no idea.

I have a huge headache. *smacks self* And this layout probably looks like crap. So, bitch if you want to. I'll set it back to dots if there are too many complaints.

Oh, there has been nothing going on with me except for the fact that my cat keeps coming by to say hello every hour or so. She's so cute. Unfortunately, she bit me on the wrist the other morning, so now it looks like I cut myself.

Yahoo, yippee, wa-hoo~

Thursday, December 4, 2008

DDR!!! Yes!

I am having a strange day.

Work in progress...

I am actually at sort of a dead end with what to do for the layout on this blog, so I used a standard template from blogger. Which is why it doesn't look anything like my style... ^^;;;

Anyways, I'm still thinking about it, so...yeah.

So, I miss DDR. I should play again sometime. Maybe today. Yep yep yep.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Ooh, I kinda like this. So not Vincey's style, though.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Ok, I'm going to be more specific. Comment on THIS post please.

What kind of theme are you guys looking for (if you're looking for a theme)?
Color schemes?
Images in particular you want to see?

I don't know if they will be used with the layout, but it would be nice if someone could give me an idea of where to go with it?


Make an individual blog of your own, ho. And read ours. ;)

Friday, November 21, 2008


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tyler is a Moron, etc.

This is about as official a notice as you people are going to get, so pay attention.

Yeah, when Tyler said to get over the fact that the blog looks like crap right now, and to start posting, he made a grave error. Yes, the blog is a pile of shit right now. No, we shouldn't really start posting yet. I am aware of the unreadable yellow text, among many other problems. I'd like to try to make the blog nicer before we start posting. Actually, I'm going to try to figure out how to allow the people who know a little more about web design than myself (*cough* Vincey *cough*) to have a crack at this bitch, and try to make it a little nicer. I know there's a way to let other people besides myself actually play around with the layout, but I can't figure it out. When I do, you will be notified. And I will beg you to help me.

Anyway, I'm going to delete your guys' posts so we can start over fresh when we are actually ready. I think that our first post should be something a little better than what Tyler did, in his fit to be the first person to post. And the subsequent posts shouldn't be everyone asking confused questions. I'll try to start a thread on facebook so if anyone wants to talk about this thing we can do it there. I'll delete this message in a couple of days, and then we can start writing real posts.

Now, this blog doesn't really have to have a "point" if you don't want it to. You can just post diary entry type things, random thoughts, poetry/prose, whatever. I don't know if anybody would rather have the blog be more focused, around a central topic or theme-- but if you do, that would be fine. I guess we'll have to vote, or something. The reason I started it was because I'm super-sticky-sentimental and I like writing, so I wanted some kind of record of our group dynamic, and of what everyone is thinking/feeling. At some point, I'll write a "mission statement" type thing, even if that mission is just to write random shit. Um. Yeah.

Sorry about explaining everything lousily. But, yeah. This should be really fun.

Talk to you in a couple of days, and sorry about the confusion/bad planning.
